New Book on Modern Game by Wilfried Detering close window

This is a preview of the new book on Modern Game written by Wilfried Detering.

With 104 quality pages including 140 images It is a beautifully bound hardcover book.

Some parts are dual language such as the preface and standards but the remainder is written in German.

Wilfried's Preface is below and gives you an idea of how much effort and devotion he must have put into preparing such a delightful publication.

Wilfried's portrait was painted by John Van der Laan and many paintings in the book are by John also

To aquire a copy of this book in Germany or Holland direct from the author:

Send 45 euros to: Wilfried Detering, Wespenstr. 17, 33699 Bielfield, Deutschland

Tel/Fax 0521/204322

Or they are stocked in UK by Veronica Mayhew (Antiquarian Bookseller), Trewena, Behoes Lane, Woodcote, Reading, Berks RG8 0PP

Phone: 01491 680743 email

Price from Veronica is £35 with uk postage. Or $79 USA (a USA cheque is ok). For Australia or elsewhere please ask.


The MGC are delighted to promote this book but do not supply it.